Annie Dookhan's Motive
In 2014, the Massachusetts Inspector General released its report on the William H Hinton Drug Lab from 2002 - 2012. The OIG famously concluded that "Annie Dookhan was the lone bad actor at the Hinton Lab." While this conclusion has been completely debunked by the documentation that has been release in the years since, what has been overlooked is what the OIG said about Dookhan's motive. They said that they couldn't determine why Dookhan changed negative drug results to positive, they said it definitely wasn't to help prosecutors win criminal cases.
In this episode we debunk the OIG's entire theory with just one email between Dookhan and former Norfolk County ADA George Papachristos where she says she wants to "lock up a defendant and throw away the key". Why hasn't this been reported in the media and why do we need hold the OIG accountable for lying to the public to help cover up the biggest violation of constitutional rights in the state's history? We may never know but what we do know is Dookhan was friends with the ADAs and thought when she was rigging evidence to lock people in jail, she was doing it because she was being told her defendants were dangerous people who needed to be locked up by the ADAs whose cases she was working.