Hinton Lab Operations Part 5
After reviewing thousands of documents regarding the investigations Massachusetts did into the state drug labs, perhaps the most disturbing finding is that exactly one person expressed regret that hundreds of thousands of people were denied their right to a fair trial. That one person was Annie Dookhan, the one most responsible for sending innocent people to jail but hardly the only one that could be blamed for it.
In this episode Chris, Jamie and Ilyas review the last of the interviews with the Hinton staff including one with Annie Dookhan herself. The interview that is most telling is perhaps the one that has never been discussed by the media or any investigators, and that was with Norfolk County Prosecutor George Papachristos.
The lack of coverage of the relationships between Dookan and the prosecutors of the cases she worked on remains a disgraceful part of this narrative. Dookhan was romantically obsessed with Papachristos and acted accordingly. She also thought she was doing the right thing by rigging evidence to send people to prison. Why? Because that's what her friends in the prosecutors offices around the state were telling her.